School Bus Loading Brake
Safer Buses
SSC's PED-LOK™ Loading Brake System automatically applies the vehicle's service brakes when the automated lights are flashing and the loading door opens. This ensures the bus is secure during loading/unloading and does NOT rely upon the driver to do anything outside their normal drive routine. In the absence of an automatic brake system, some drivers could forget to utilize the SPB as written in their State. Further, fatigue caused by the setting and releasing of the SPB may result in some driver's unconsciously electing not to follow proper operating procedures. In either case, if an accident occurs, the liability issue is raised.
Button / No Button
PED-Lok is offered in two style kits. The standard kit engages as described above and disengages when the loading door is closed or the automateds are turned "Off". The kit is also available with a "push-button" release. This version works just like the standard system, but to release the brakes the driver must first close the loading door or turn "Off" the automateds and then press a dash mounted "release" button. PED-LOK™ benefits go beyond the obvious safety issues. It also reduces the potential for Carpal Tunnel Syndrome by reducing the number of times a driver pushes in and pulls out the dash parking brake valve.
Radio Silence
PED-LOK™ comes standard with "radio mute". When wired this way, the control module removes power from the AM/FM radio when the PED-LOK™ brakes are applied. This removes a possible driver distraction during the loading sequence. The PED-LOK™ ECM also automatically turns "On" the brake lights when the PED-LOK™ system is activated.
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(713) 465 - 8839